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An insight into the office catering services at Robert & Victor

Halal Office Catering Manchester

At R&V, we pride ourselves in catering to your every need (and dietary requirement), no matter what size your organisation is. You may scroll through our social feeds or flick through our website with your mouth watering and wonder what excuse you can give your boss to use our services. Well. we’re here for you! […]

Inside the Sandwich: Cheshire Ham & Cheese


It’s more traditional in a baguette, but we’re not sticklers for rule – you can have it any way you like. “Cheshire Ham & Cheese” sounds about as local as a sandwich can possibly get. And while it’s true that most of the ingredients we put in this lunchtime fave come from farms a stone’s […]

Catering a Meeting: Top Tips for keeping your Team happy


The team that meets together keeps together… Right? Well, not exactly. Anyone who’s been to a poorly planned meeting knows just how much things can drag when things go wrong. Moreover, a bad meeting starts to feel like it’s wasting time that could be better spent doing “real work” – and you know you’ve done […]